Health and safety

We are very concerned about the health of our participants and lecturers. We are happy that we can offer in-person courses again, and our goal is to help you reconnect safely. At the moment, masks are not mandatory in our in-person courses, but we do recommend wearing them as well as ask you to stay home if you are feeling sick.

For our in-person courses, we implement regulations that legally apply at the respective venue (Mannheim or Cologne). General information on these regulations can be found on our website (updated regularly).

Please help us make you and your fellow participants feel as comfortable as possible by following the guidelines outlined below.

Check travel advice

If you are travelling from overseas, please closely monitor the official travel guidelines of your home country.

Refer to the German Ministry for Health's website for the latest and most accurate information about travelling to and within Germany.

Remain mindful of social distancing

Consider that others might not be fully comfortable at large gatherings, and some may be at high risk or immunocompromised.

If you feel unwell

If you are feeling unwell or test positive for COVID-19, please do not attend your course in person.

Our GESIS Training team is happy to offer their assistance in arranging virtual participation, should you feel well enough to continue.